Thursday, September 18, 2008

Catch Up and Thankful Thursday!!!

Well this past Sunday was the Primary Program at church. Tilisa and Shanny both had speaking parts. They both did a fantastic job considering they had to speak in Tongan there second language. Here is Shanny with her bear. She always has to be caring for one of her dolls! She is such a great mommy!!!
Here are my girls. You notice the shiner on Ana...she hit her face while runningand hit it on our dining room table! She likes it she thinks it looks like make-up!
I could not seem to get one of Ana actually looking at the camera!
It seems like my kids are the most hyper after bath time at night! They like to dress up and run around the house. Well Shanny likes putting the lava lava on her head and say it is her beautiful long princess hair! I think they were looking at Loni in this picture!
I am a bad procrastinator! Here is a picture of Tilisa on her first day of school!! She loves her teacher and her favorite subject is math. She must get that from Loni because she does not get it from me! 
I am glad that she loves school!
Ana would not look at the camera or I guess Shannan was helping her out! LOL!
Shanny and Rusty!

This is the only way she would look at the camera. Only if she could stick her tongue out!

I have so many things to be thankful for, but most of all I am thankful for my family! I am so thankful for my husband and my girls and the joy they bring to my life each and every day! I am thankful to have a home, a job, a car. I think some times all of us living in the United States forget how spoiled we are. As a family we are trying harder to recongnize the things that are needs over wants. I know at times we have gotten a little carried away by worldly things, and tried to live a little out of our means. It's hard sometimes to not buy every thing that my girls want or what I want, but I think it has been a great lesson for all of us to learn. I am grateful for all that I have but as long as I have my family I am happy! Until next time have a great day!!!  

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